Bed Rest at Home

2008 April 06 - 29

Created by Amie 15 years ago
Came home from the hospital. The first week at home was so scary. I didn't know what to expect. I cried everyday and prayed even more. I took bed rest very serious. I decided to stay on the sofa so that I could have access to cable and so that I could still feel like part of the family. I only got up to go to the bathroom and maybe answer the door if I had forgot to leave it unlocked. I have wonderful friends that came to help with meals, cleaning and getting Matt home from school. I don't know what we would have done with out them. The next two weeks, my mom came everyday to help out and get me to my appointments. I cannot repay her for the sacrifices she made, but will forever be grateful. During the 3 weeks and 3 days at home, Luke kept growing and kicking (alot). I treasured every little move. And I was so glad we had rented a doppler a few weeks before. I could listen to his heartbeat anytime I wanted! I could tell he was going to be a fighter! With each passing day, I felt more confident that we would get to viability and Luke would be okay. On April 14, Luke was kicking so hard that Daddy could feel it on the outside. It was so fun to see the look on Jim's face when he felt our baby for the first time. I never want to forget that moment. On April 28, at 24 weeks 1 day, I went in for an ultrasound and Luke was weighing in at about 1 lb 7oz. He was really starting to catch up and doing quite well although there was only about 1cm of fluid. I received steroid shots and was scheduled to be admitted to the hospital on April 30. WooHoo! We made it to viability. A huge milestone!