2008 April 03

Created by Amie 15 years ago
The day began just as any other day. My friends and I had set the date for the baby shower and all was well. I felt exited and relaxed. Jim had to work late so Matt and I went to get dinner to bring back home. It was about 6:15pm. Just after a few bites, I began to feel nauseated, dizzy and clammy. I felt like I was going to pass out. Matt called for Jim to come home right away. I needed to go to the emergency room. Within 5 minutes or so Jim was home and I had started to feel a little better. I was feeling slightly crampy so I called the doctor's office. I was told by the doctor on call that it sounded like my blood sugar was too low, nothing too serious. I laid down and started feeling much better. By this time I had not had any bleeding for about 3 weeks, but at 9:30pm I felt a small gush and I just knew I had started bleeding again. I wasn't too worried until I got to the bathroom and realized that it was not blood but amniotic fluid, and a lot of it! I just started crying. I was only 20 weeks 4 days. It was too early to deliver!! We went immediately to the hospital (about 5 min from our home). When we got to the hospital, I was wheeled straight to Labor and Delivery. The nurse checked to verify that my water had broke and it had. Well, duh! I expected to go into labor any second. The nurse told me it could take a few days to even weeks, but that I would be staying at the hospital until delivery. The next morning I had an ultrasound to check on Luke and measure the amniotic fluid. There was only about 3cm. There should have been at least 8cm. Luke seemed unaware of the fluid loss and was doing fine. Both of my doctors came to tell me that it didn't look good. Babies born before 24 weeks gestation were not viable. And the chance of me getting to 24 weeks was only about 20%. For me, 20% = hope! I was put on IV antibiotics for 3 days and sent home on strict bed rest and an oral antibiotic to prevent infection. There was really nothing that could be done at the hospital to save his life before 24 weeks.